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Fine Fleece Shetland Sheep Association

Become a Member
Thank you for your support!
Please join us as a member of the Fine Fleece Shetland Sheep Association.
Several membership tiers are available.
Senior Member
Member has proven to be pursuing the mission and purpose of the association as follows:
Have a majority of purebred registered Shetland sheep in their flock that meet the criteria in the FFSSA grading chart.
All breeding rams used by the breeder must micron according to grades 1 or 2 as described by the chart, and by submission of micron data to FFSSA and/or one flock inspection by one or more of the FFSSA representatives, unless there is an exception allowed by FFSSA. Micron testing at this membership level is done on sheep through 3 years of age.
Be actively breeding pure Shetland sheep that meet the criteria of FFSSA grades 1-3.
Associate Member with Registry Privileges (Non-Voting)
Members who are interested in the goals of the organization but do not have enough sheep (a majority and all breeding rams) to qualify for senior or junior membership. May submit fees to have registry privileges with sheep being micron tested through 5 years old at this membership level. May be upgraded to Senior with additional dues and passing qualifications in any given year.
Associate Member
Members who are interested in the goals of the organization but do not have sheep or do not have enough sheep (a majority and all breeding rams) to qualify for senior or junior membership. May be upgraded to Senior with additional dues and passing qualifications in any given year.
Junior Member (Non-Voting)
For members who are less than 18 years of age that have Shetlands and are following the Senior member qualifications.
Senior Member Retired (Voting)
Members who have been FFSSA senior members in good standing for five years or more and who have retired from breeding Traditional 1927® Shetlands. This membership type will pay annual senior dues and includes the privileges of Senior Members described above.
Membership Application Instructions
Fill out the FFSSA Membership Application completely, remember to include a mark by the type of membership you are applying for. Please contact a Board Member or Regional Representative if you need assistance with the Application.
Senior Membership Applicants (other applicants go to #3):
You are required to have a majority of purebred registered Shetland sheep that meet the FFSSA grading chart criteria. This means that more than half of your Shetland flock includes ewes classified as grades 1, 2, or 3 plus rams graded 1 or 2.
All breeding rams used must be grades 1 or 2 as determined by the FFSSA grading chart.
You should be actively breeding pure Shetland sheep that meet the criteria of FFSSA grades 1-3.
Please submit hard or electronic scanned copies of micron data labeled with sheep's name on all registered or registerable Shetland rams and ewes with your application. FFSSA flock inspections may be required before application is accepted.
Sign and submit completed online application.
If you choose to submit a paper application, mail or email your application (plus micron data for Senior membership) to:
The Livestock Conservancy
Attn: Registrar
P.O. Box 477
Pittsboro, NC 27312
919-542-5704 ext. 111
5. Use the PayPal button at: www.finefleece or send your check (payable to FFSSA) with the appropriate amount to:
The Livestock Conservancy
Attn: Registrar
P.O. Box 477
Pittsboro, NC 27312
All our Regional Representatives are here to help you with the application, sampling, and micron testing processes. We are here to answer questions, educate you about fine fleece Shetland sheep, promote your flock and products, and work with you to achieve your flock goals.
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