Fine Fleece Shetland Sheep Association

2021 Mid-American Shetland Sheep Show
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Official show photos courtesy of professional photographer, Erica Solis.
2021 Mid-American Shetland Sheep Show Results
A special thank you goes out to our Sheep Show Judge, Sally Tibbits.
Youth Showmanship (5 years & under)
1st Hazel Bartels
2nd Maren Bartels
3rd Karen Cox
Youth Showmanship (6 to 9 years)
1st Rose Otto
2nd Landon Bartels
3rd Sheridan MacGillivray
4th Clara Cox
Youth Showmanship (10 years to 13 years)
1st Lynden MacGillivray
2nd Cara Keranen
Youth Showmanship (14 years to 18 years)
1st Audra Otto
2nd Ashely Wyss
3rd Philip MacGillivray
4th Colleen Keranen
Senior Ram
1st Bartels - OK Acres Rush
2nd Scharlau - Allen Creek Spencer Tracy
3rd Nichols - Woolen Garden Thaddeus
4th Otto - Under the Son Mancera
Yearling Ram
1st Dukerschein - Glen Tamarack Wasabi
2nd Dangerfield - Little Eagle Operation
Ram Lamb
1st Dukerschein - Glen Tamarack Goshawk
2nd Rappuhn - Linden Lane Lake
3rd Bartels - OK Acres Noble
4th Otto - Blackberry Blossom Thunder
5th Keranen - Pine Ridge Nestor
Pair of Ram Lambs
1st White Pine
2nd Allen Creek
3rd Inse Acres
Champion Ram
Dukerschein - Glen Tamarack Goshawk
Reserve Champion Ram
Bartels - OK Acres Rush
Senior Ewe
1st Dukerschein - Glen Tamarack Mirabelle
2nd Bartels - OK Acres Ophelia
3rd Ramsay - White Pine Xariiad
4th Otto - OK Acres Balsam
5th Otto - Glen Tamarack Gussalyn
Yearling Ewe
1st Dukerschein - Glen Tamarack Tamari
2nd Bartels - OK Acres Cameo
3rd Bartels - OK Acres Snowdrop
4th Dukerschein - Glen Tamarack Kimchi
5th Nichols - Woolen Garden Cliantha
Ewe Lamb
1st Otto - Blackberry Blossom Viola
2nd Bartels - OK Acres Aida
3rd Otto - Blackberry Blossom Ruby
4th Dukerschein - Glen Tamarack Pewee
5th Scharlau - Allen Creek Alma
Pair of Ewe Lambs
1st Blackberry Blossom
2nd OK Acres
3rd Allen Creek
4th White Pine
5th Inse Acres
Dam & Daughter
1st Blackberry Blossom
2nd White Pine
3rd Allen Creek
Champion Ewe
Dukerschein - Glen Tamarack Mirabelle
Reserve Champion Ewe
Otto - Blackberry Blossom Viola
Best Small Flock
1st Blackberry Blossom
2nd Glen Tamarack
3rd OK Acres
4th Allen Creek
5th White Pine
Best Fleece on Hoof
1st Blackberry Blossom Viola
2nd Glen Tamarack Tamari
3rd Inse Acres Finn
4th White Pine Ripple
5th OK Acres Aida
Sue Russo-Best Colored, Spotted or Modified
1st Inse Acres
2nd Glen Tamarack
3rd Linden Lane
4th OK Acres
5th Blackberry Blossom
Supreme Champion
Otto - Blackberry Blossom Viola
Reserve Supreme Champion
Dukerschein - Glen Tamarack Goshawk
2021 Mid-American Shetland Sheep Fleece Show Results
A special thank you goes out to our Fleece Show Judge, Michelle McMillen.
1st Garrett Ramsay
2nd Kelly Bartels
3rd Kelly Bartels
1st Kelly Bartels
2nd Kelly Bartels
3rd Kelly Bartels
4th Kelly Bartels
5th Lori Scharlau
1st Kelly Bartels
2nd Kelly Bartels
3rd Lori Scharlau
4th Kelly Bartels
1st Lori Scharlau
2nd Garrett Ramsay
3rd Kelly Bartels
4th Kelly Bartels
5th Lori Scharlau
Any Other Color
1st Kelly Bartels
2nd Lori Scharlau
3rd Kelly Bartels
4th Kelly Bartels
5th Lori Scharlau
1st Kelly Bartels
2nd Lori Scharlau
3rd Kelly Bartels
4th Kelly Bartels
5th Terry Dukerschein
Grand Champion
Kelly Bartels (black rooed fleece)
Reserve Champion
Lori Scharlau (grey lamb fleece)
Champion Rooed
Kelly Bartels (black rooed fleece)
Judges Choice
Lori Scharlau (grey rooed fleece)