Fine Fleece Shetland Sheep Association

2019 Iowa Sheep & Wool Festival
2019 ISWF Sheep Show Results
A special thank you goes out to our Sheep Show Judge, Nic Hill.
Youth Showmanship
1st Grace Hollon
2nd Zack Wyss
3rd Kiley Essen
4th Phillip McGillivray
5th Faith Hollon
6th Clara Cox
Senior Ram
1st Zack Wyss-UTS Magnus
2nd Garrett Ramsay-White Pine Willsau
3rd Grace Hollon-UTS Smokey
4th Aaron Grey-White Pine Agno
5th Faith Hollon-UTS Reizig
Yearling Ram
1st Mike Bartels-OK Acres Mango
2nd Kelly Bartels-OK Acres Rowan
3rd Chad Doolen-Copper Tree Roma
4th Hanna Doolen-Copper Tree Dester
5th Phillip McGillivray-Inse Cooper
Champion Ram
UTS Magnus/Allen Creek Farm-shown by Zack Wyss
Reserve Champion Ram
OK Acres Mango-shown by Mike Bartels
Senior Ewe
1st Garrett Ramsay-White Pine Nott
2nd Terry Yapp-Windy Maple Mistic Raine
3rd Alissa Stai-Sunshine Firefly
4th Aaron Grey-White Pine Xariirad
5th Jim Scharlau-Allen Creek Taft
Yearling Ewe
1st Kelly Bartels-OK Acres Alani
2nd Alissa Stai-Sunshine Firefly1118
3rd Zack Wyss-Allen Creek Piper
4th Terry Yapp-Windy Maple Miley Jean
5th Garrett Ramsay-White Pine Lavender
Champion Ewe
OK Acres Alani-shown by Kelly Bartels
Reserve Champion Ewe
White Pine Nott-shown by Garrett Ramsay
Dam & Offspring
1st Garrett-White Pine Nott & lambs
2nd Kyle Whitcomb-Sunshine Firefly & lamb
3rd Corrine Owens-OK Acres Amanti & yearling
4th Allen Creek Piper & lamb
5th Allen Creek Thora & lamb
Best Pair
1st Allen Creek
2nd Allen Creek
3rd Ramsay Farms
4th OK Acres Shetlands
5th Sunshine Shetlands
3 Generations
1st Allen Creek
2nd Allen Creek
Best Fleece on Hoof
1st Allen Creek-Magnus
2nd Ramsay Farms-Lavender
3rd OK Acres-Alani
4th Windy Maple-Mistic Raine
5th Sunshine Shetlands-Sunshine Firefly
Judges Choice
Copper Tree Black Cherry owned by Hanna Doolen
Supreme Champion
UTS Magnus/Allen Creek Farm-shown by Zack Wyss
Reserve Supreme Champion
OK Acres Mango-shown by Mike Bartels
2019 ISWF Fleece Show Results
A special thank you goes out to our Sheep Show Judge, Nic Hill.
Adult Colored Fleece
1st Terry Dukerschein
2nd Garrett Ramsay
3rd Garrett Ramsay
4th Terry Dukerschein
5th Kelly Bartels
Lamb White Fleece
1st - Lori Scharlau
2nd - Kelly Bartels
Lamb Colored Fleece
1st Terry Dukerschein
2nd Terry Dukerschein
Rooed Fleece
1st Lori Scharlau
2nd Kelly Bartels
3rd Lori Scharlau
4th Kelly Bartels
5th Terry Dukerschein
Champion Fleece
Terry Dukerschein, Lamb Colored
Reserve Champion Fleece
Lori Scharlau, Rooed