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Board of Directors &
State Representatives

Board of Directors

State Representatives

Contact your State Representative for support and guidance about Traditional 1927® Shetland Sheep. 

We would like to get to know you, provide assistance, and learn from you. All questions are welcome!

US Map Colors Representatives 10-28-20.p

Cyndee Wolfe

Donna Carlucci
Garrett Ramsay

Kelly Bartels

Lynda Davies

Lynn Michael             


Michelle McMillen     


Rich Johnson               


Scott Bailey                 


Theresa Gygi               


Russ & Terry Dukerschein


1. Support and Mentor by communicating with Shetland sheep breeders and owners, offering assistance, and answering questions. Contact new breeders and owners of Traditional 1927® Shetland sheep and offer help, advice, and guidance about where to find additional information. Be available to support breeders and owners on any matter relating to Traditional 1927® Shetland sheep.

Educate Shetland sheep breeders, owners, and the general public about preserving “kindly” (soft) fleece Shetlands to ensure North American Shetlands are comparable to Shetland sheep found in their place of origin in the Shetland Isles, Scotland, and England. Explain the purpose of FFSSA and why members adhere to the 1927 Shetland breed standard as clarified by Appendix A. Direct interested parties to the FFSSA website to find additional information about FFSSA. Distribute FFSSA brochures.

Recruit new Traditional 1927® Shetland sheep breeders and owners by attending local sheep and fiber arts events. Stay active in the Shetland Sheep Facebook group and look for opportunities to promote Traditional 1927® Shetland sheep that adhere to the 1927 Shetland breed standard as clarified by Appendix A. 4. Visit and Inspect Traditional 1927® Shetland sheep flocks.

Contact person for area sheep and wool shows.

Qualifications to be a Representative
1. FFSSA Senior or Founding Member in good standing.
2. At least three years’ experience breeding Traditional 1927® Shetlands.
3. Thorough understanding of the Traditional 1927® Shetland breed standard as clarified by Appendix A.
4. Willingness to ask for clarification if he/she doesn’t know answers to questions.


State Representative's

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