Fine Fleece Shetland Sheep Association

2022 Mid-American Shetland Sheep Show
2022 Mid-American Shetland Sheep Show Results
A special thank you goes out to our Sheep Show Judge, Sue Watson.
Youth Showmanship (9 years & under)
1st Rose Otto
2nd Grace Rappuhn
3rd Landon Bartels
4th Maren Bartels
Youth Showmanship (10 to 18 years)
1st Colleen Keranen (Winner of the Jim Scharlau Youth Award)
2nd Audra Otto
3rd Ashly Wyss
4th Clara Keranen
Senior Ram
1st Ramsay Farms - Inse Enoki
2nd Ramsay Farms - Pike Hill Tamarack
Yearling Ram
1st Mike & Kelly Bartels - OK Acres Caden
2nd Mike & Kelly Bartels - OK Acres Noble
3rd Chris & Rachel Harding - Kindred Spirit Ranger
4th Greg Padget - PP Templeton
5th Corinne Stewart - C E Acres Finian
Ram Lamb
1st Kate Cox - GlenTamarack Flambeau
2nd Russ & Terry Dukerschein - GlenTamarack Couderay
3rd Chris & Rachel Harding - Scotch Croft Buchanan
4th Mike & Kelly Bartels - OK Acres Ryder
5th Cara Keranen - Pine Creek Skipper
Pair of Ram Lambs
1st Russ & Terry Dukerschein
2nd Chris & Rachel Harding
3rd Sherry Ecker
4th Kate Cox
5th Emma O'Brien
Champion Ram
Mike & Kelly Bartels - OK Acres Caden
Reserve Champion Ram
Kate Cox - Glen Tamarack Flambeau
Senior Ewe
1st Mike & Kelly Bartels - OK Acres Monica
2nd Mike & Kelly Bartels - OK Acres Derby
3rd Aaron Gray - GlenTamarack Mirabelle
4th Garrett Ramsay - WhitePine Lyss
5th Chris & Rachel Harding - MerryGoRound Airlie
Yearling Ewe
1st Garrett Ramsay - WhitePine Ripple
2nd Amy Rappuhn - Linden Lane Moxi
3rd Rose Otto - Blackberry Blossom Viola
4th Audra Otto - Blackberry Blossom Ruby
5th Russ & Terry Dukerschein - GlenTamarack Jacana
Ewe Lamb
1st Chris & Rachel Harding - Scotch Croft Kennedy
2nd Sherry Ecker - Ramble N Love Lea
3rd Russ & Terry Dukerschein - GlenTamarack Amnicon
4th Sherry Ecker - Ramble N Layla
5th Chris & Rachel Harding - Scotch Croft Corra
Pair of Ewe Lambs
1st Chris & Rachel Harding
2nd Russ & Terry Dukerschein
3rd Emma O'Brien
4th Rose Stoebner
Dam & Daughter
1st Chris & Rachel Harding
2nd Lori Scharlau
3rd Emma O'Brien
4th Corinne Stewart
Champion Ewe
Mike & Kelly Bartels - OK Acres Monica​
Reserve Champion Ewe
Garrett Ramsay - WhitePine Ripple
Andrew & Ellen Bain Award: Best Small Flock
1st Mike & Kelly Bartels
2nd Chris & Rachel Harding
3rd Garrett Ramsay
4th Russ & Terry Dukerschein
5th Amy Rappuhn
Best Fleece on Hoof
1st Garrett Ramsay - WhitePine Ripple
2nd Kate Cox - Glen Tamarack Flambeau
3rd Lori Scharlau - Pine Ridge Nestor
4th Rose Otto - Blackberry Blossom Viola
5th Russ & Terry Dukerschein - GlenTamarack Couderay
Sue Russo Award: Best Colored, Spotted or Modified
1st Russ & Terry Dukerschein - GlenTamarack Couderay
2nd Greg Padget - PP Miss Crawly
3rd Emma O'Brien - PH Arietis
4th Lori Scharlau - Allen Creek Anna
Supreme Champion
Mike & Kelly Bartels - OK Acres Monica
Reserve Supreme Champion
Mike & Kelly Bartels - OK Acres Caden
2022 Mid-American Shetland Sheep Fleece Show Results
A special thank you goes out to our Fleece Show Judge, Sue Watson.
1st Lori Scharlau
2nd Sherry Ecker
3rd Sherry Ecker
1st Sherry Ecker
1st Kelly Bartels
2nd Kelly Bartels
3rd Kelly Bartels
4th Terry Yapp
5th Amy Kernan
1st Lori Scharlau
2nd Kelly Bartels
3rd Kelly Bartels
4th Lori Scharlau
5th Lori Scharlau
Any Other Color
1st Kelly Bartels
2nd Kelly Bartels
3rd Terry Yapp
4th Terry Yapp
5th Sherry Ecker
1st Lori Scharlau
2nd Kelly Bartels
3rd Sherry Ecker
4th Jean Dukerschein
5th Kelly Bartels
Grand Champion
Grey Rooed Fleece by Lori Scharlau
Reserve Champion
Rooed Fleece by Kelly Bartels
Judges Choice
Moorit by Kelly Bartels